Hello from Land of the Rising Sun, Japan
We are alive together w/ the Natural Power
Today, the Meteorological Agency of Japan reported that the earthquake occurred in the offing of Solomon Islands in the South Pacific.
We got to know about the possibility that tsunami will arrive at Japan.
And I remembered the day of 3.11.
At that time,
In Japan, all Japanese TV stations were broadcasting about the earthquake.
The situation was extremely cruel. Especially, in Sendai and Fukushima.
We Japanese experienced very many trials such as the problem of radioactive contamination.
It will take so many time until Japanese economy recovers.
However, we Japanese have SAMURAI spirit.
We Japanese will revive in the future !
We really appreciate your all.
In this earthquake, I hope that influence does not attain to people in the world.
My prayers and heart goes out to people in the world...