Enjoy the Cool World - JAPAN

Hello from Land of the Rising Sun, Japan






This Hishaku is for M.


You can see these things here:


Yoroshiku ni,







Thank you for your mail.


I'm sorry , I don't know "M+++".


But I know "mizuya".


Mizuya Japanese Restaurant and karaoke (Sydney)


COO+++++++++L Restaurant !!!











Hai, M+++ desu! Sumimasen!


I remember Teramachi-dori Avenue in Kyoto where you found this. I also bought Chadougu there. And also in the 2 markets. I miss Kyoto very much!


I will bid on this Hishaku - I need one.


Yoroshiku ni,







Your Japanese is very nice.


Where did you study Japanese?


Moshikashite,nihon no kata desuka?(Are you Japanese?)


> I also bought Chadougu there. And also in the 2 markets.


This is a surprise for me!!!
You know Kyoto more than the Japanese.
I like very much Teramachi-dori Avenue as well as you.


There are many Watchers about this item.
But, I wish you win.
Good Luck!








Ohay? gozaimasu


Thank you for your kind praise about my Nihongo. But these days it is very bad!


Watashi wa Zen desu. When I was in Japan, I trained as Bousan, but now I live alone like Sennin. Maybe I am just bad tempered old man, desune!


So in Kyoto I had opportunity to learn about traditional Japan, and to go to markets. I learnt many things in the markets also - the people were very kind.


I still live very traditional Japanese style, with old tatami and futon. And Gohan everyday!


Other people think this very strange and maybe a bit crazy, so it is easy to live alone.


Perhaps ebay is little bit cheaper, but not as interesting as Kyoto ships and markets, desune!


But your English is very good - much nicer than my Japanese. Chanoyu shimasu?


With kind regards,






Thank you very much for the information of your valuable experience.


>I trained as Bousan, but now I live alone like Sennin
>I still live very traditional Japanese style, with old tatami and futon. And Gohan everyday!


You are great !!!


I am not Bousan,but I respect very much their spirits,and culture.


I think that it's a best way of life you believe.


It is not important what others think.


By the way,the best place I love is Koyasan.


O-Cha shimasyou.







Thank you for your kind email.


I did not know Kyoyasan, so I looked in the internet. Very beautiful!


But for me, too many tourists! Also, perhaps too many Bousan! Life in Otera can
be difficult sometimes because this is a good place for strange people. And
they can get power!


Where I live has no special beauty, so I have to learn the (Koufou) way of
finding beauty in a small corner.


I have Niwatori and these are good to watch. I like to see "Kaze no naka mendori".


It is winter here in Tasmania - the small island under Australia. It is
also the season for rain, and often much wind. My small house is exposed to
the wind from all sides, so the Niwatori have difficulty at times!


I am starting to build a house up in the hills where is is even more
private and isolated.


I miss Japan very much, but I think each year, the Japan I love gets
smaller and smaller, and American-style Japan gets bigger.


Everything changes, 'demo Zannendesune'.


I am sorry I was the only bidder on the Hishaku. I have a small chashitsu
(sanjo desu), and a very small Mizuya.


For Chadougu, it is acceptable to use proper Japanese names, like Hishaku
and Natsume. Gaijin who do chanoyu know these terms.


The heat stamp is called a "branding iron" in English - to brand is to make
a mark with a hot stamp, on wood or even on cattle and horses!







Thank you very much for reading my poor English.


Kyoyasan(高野山) is power spot as well as To-ji Temple(東寺),Mt. Kurama(鞍馬山) in Kyoto.
However, it is as you say. So many tourists & Bousan! everyday!!!


>I like to see "Kaze no naka mendori".
I understand your feelings.


>It is winter here in Tasmania - the small island under Australia. It is
also the season for rain, and often much wind.
It is summer here in Japan,you know.It is very hot every day.


>Niwatori have difficulty at times!
It is very interesting!!!


>American-style Japan gets bigger. Everything changes
The number of those who do not know an old culture of Japan has increased.
I might be the one person.
However, because I do not want to become it so.


>I am sorry I was the only bidder on the Hishaku.
I am very glad,I can pass the ladle to the person like you.
I will sent invoice later.


>I have a small chashitsu
(sanjo desu), and a very small Mizuya.
It is very splendid.
Japanese doesn't have a chashitsu at the present age.
You are more Japanese than the Japanese.


>The heat stamp is called a "branding iron" in English


Thank you VERY MUCH INDEED for the extra information!
It is very kind of you.


With Best Regards,





Now I will write about ebay matters only.
Things like "W+++" and especially "K+++" are very special to me, and I do not like to mix with business!


Thank you for the invoice, and for your message. I am very grateful to win this Hishaku. When I use it I will think of where it came from and the connection. I like Chadougu to have these connections, even for things in the M.


With ebay, sometimes there is a style for selling things. Even chadougu. For example, the style is to write: "Natsu Chawan" and not "Natsujawan" or "Natsu Jawan". This is for 2 reasons:


- the ebay search engine
- many gaijin understand "chawan", but not the change to "-jawan"


Also, be careful to put spaces after commas because of the search engine. So write:
- "Hishaku, tea ceremony, ladle" not:
- "Hishaku,tea ceremony,ladle".



For towels, many Japanese sellers use the word "Tenugui".
Maybe use both English and Japanese, but English towel is different to Tenugui.
It is vvery difficult to translate Tenugui because this is not used in the same way in western style.


Please ask me if you want to check something in English. It is a small thing for me to do, but it can make a big difference to you on ebay, especially as a new seller.


And please, do not be discouraged with ebay.
Sometimes prices are not good, but sometimes they are very high.
In the beginning it is difficult. But keep strong! Do not stop!


If you wish to write something in Nihongo, it is fine.
Even hirigana and some kanji.
I care for a young woman who has mental health problems, but she can speak and write good Japanese!
So she will help me with Nihongo.


Ja mata,





I'm very sorry for mixing with business.
Please forgive me.


Thank you very much for valuable advice.
Especially, I did not know about putting spaces after commas.
I need to correct titles.


In addition, I think that my understanding about "English towel" is insufficient.



>Please ask me if you want to check something in English. It is a small thing for me to do, but it can make a big difference to you on ebay, especially as a new seller.
>And please, do not be discouraged with ebay. Sometimes prices are not good, but sometimes they are very high. In the beginning it is difficult. But keep strong! Do not stop!


Thank you for reassuring feelings.
I want to become a power seller on ebay, and I want to send the Japanese culture to people in the world !!!
I think that I should increase the number of commodities.
However, if the commodity explanation is inapposite, it becomes useless.


Then, please give advice to me.
How about "Shipping & Handling","About Us" on my commodity page?


-San tono "go-en" ni kansya simasu.



kind regards,




Thank you for your email. There is no need to apologise, we started with
mixed things, then as business and other subjects get more "meaningful", I
find it better to separate. Business is necessary, but it is good to remember
it is not the most important, desune!


For selling Japanese things, these are 2 sites you should look at.
Sakura-Zipang is a husband and wife team. I remember when they started the same as
you ! Now they are very successful. But the make many mistakes with


Katsuragi is a very big seller, and has been selling a long time. Look at
their shipping charges - very high desune! Also, sometimes they also make
mistakes with Chadougu.


With shipping, you can add a little bit for materials, but better not to
add too much! many sellers make extra money this way, but buyers know
this. For heavy things, ot is good to give the weight (without packaging).
Then buyers understand the shipping cost.


Better to send valuable items by EMS or registered SAL. You can say this in
the listing. Otherwise if it gets lost, some buyers will make you pay the
money back!


Be careful selling very heavy items as mailing is expensive, so sometimes
people do not bid. But if it is special it is not a problem. Furokama sell
on ebay!


Chadougu is very popular on ebay, also Kakemono. But if you want to get
good prices for Kakemono, you need to be able to have a translation, even part
translation is good. Kakemoni with Zen material is very popular, like
Boddhidarma and Enso.


Samurai things are very popular, especially Katana, but this is a
specialist area. I do not have much knowledge of these things.


I do not know if you are able to buy from the auctions in Japan, this would
be important.


Quality: better to sell medium to good qulaity chaduogu, especially Chawan.
Poor quality does not sell very well, but high quality can also be a
problem. Of you want to sell Chawan, i will give you an introduction to my friend
who has a business in Tokyo. his ebay store is:


He sells many things made by Seigan-San, but I do not like this work so
much. I bought some things, but decided to stop. He is very popular, but my
tastes are little bit "cold" and "hard". Also, some of Chawan and Kensui made
by Seigan-San are difficult to use.



If you want to spread Japanese culture, perhaps selling will cause you pain
sometimes. Many people have money, but no "taste". and some have no respect
for the items, or the culture.


I invited someone I know into the Chashitsu to have Sencha. He asked me if
he could lean on the walls, meaning if they were strong enough. I was
shocked - i don't lean on the walls in his house! This man still quite young, but is a retired medical doctor.


He also asked if he could have coffee next time, and maybe sit outside the
Chashitsu, so now I do not invite him into the Chashitsu.


He is like the people who will buy things from you on ebay!



I am sorry to write such a long email in English. I hope this is not too
difficult for you. I understand it may take you several days to read and



Yoroshiku ni,




Thank you very much for your kindness and great advice.
I deliberately read mail from you, and I was researching many.
I had been correcting my template for these several days,and I registered one item yesterday.
I think that the design of my template is not bad for Chadougu,Kakemono.



I did not know "Sakura-Zipang", their explanation is very polite.
I know that many people like meditation, or decoration as an interior.
It might be a factor of their success to squeeze the category.
To tell the truth, I like Kakemono (Japanese call it "kake-jiku"), and have Japanese Hanging Scrolls.
There are the valuable scrolls, too.
In Japan, I am able to buy many KAKEMONO from Yahoo auctions.
It is possible to buy them by a low price, because many Japanese like American-style, hanging scrolls in their house is cashed.
However, there is a problem for me, too.


As you know, Character drawn in an old hanging scroll,author's signature,and stamp are not modern Japanese.
But, I think that it is worth challenging.



I know "katsuragi_japan".
Thier items are my tastes, so I am sometimes looking at their store.
I think that they are professional antique art dealers.
Also, I know they are very successful.
I was very surprised to see their amounts of money of sales.
The system is:



To become like them, It is important to stock cheaply through net auctions.



>especially Katana, but this is a specialist area.
>I do not have much knowledge of these things.
I do not have insight, and a license about Katana.
The sword is very popular also in Japan.
A good sword becomes large amount of money.



How beautiful !!!
The work and the site are beautiful, so professional.
I like very much his"about me",too.
Seigan-San is a person of the high level, so the stocking price seems to be high.


Is your friend a companion of Seigan-San ?



>I invited someone I know into the Chashitsu to have Sencha. He asked me if
>he could lean on the walls, meaning if they were strong enough. I was
>shocked - i don't lean on the walls in his house!
It was regrettable for you.
Chashitsu is a space of sacred.



>He is like the people who will buy things from you on ebay!
Dont not worry !
I might be the one person.



Thank you for reading my mail.


kind regards,




Thank you for your email, I am glad if there was something to help you.


I know in Japan there are also normal auctions - this is where the sellers like Katsuragi and the people in the markets in Kyoto buy their things. I do not know prices of these auctions now, but before some things were very low. But it costs time! Yahoo auctions are low cost, but mailing is expensive, even in Japan desune.


I know the term "Kake-jiku" but I thought it was another way of saying "kakemono". Thank you for telling me, I will now use the proper word!


So you collect Kake-jiku! Do you know, in the early days of Meiji, the westerners came and discovered wood block prints. In Japan, these were not considered special things, but the gaijin liked them because the quality was excellent and they are similar to western-style pictures. So they bought them. LOTS. Today old ones are very rare in Japan, they are all in western colelctions and museums! These pictures had a strong influence on the French Impressionist painters (Monet, Manet etc).


So I think it is now similar with Kake-jiku - not wanted anymore by Nihonnokata, but easy to sell to Gaijin. So I think it is very clever if you can collect excellent quality Kake-jiku, because these will be rare treasures in the future. Even now, good ones are expensive, desune. I think these will be better than money in the bank!


So my advice is: do not sell your special Kakejiku! And even some good ones that are on ebay you should keep for the future! Even in 5 years, I have seen the price increase a LOT for good Kakejiku, more than 3-5 times!


This is a kakejiku I bought recently from Sakura-Zipang. I think the meaning will be difficult for Gaijin to understand, perhaps difficult even for many modern Nihonnokata, desune! But for me, it has very strong Zen meaning.


Sakura-Zipang is selling some kakejiku now that should get good prices:


The last one I would say as "Matsu Kaze" because this term is used in Chanoyu, but I do not know the rules of when to use On and Kun.


But the Shodo of all of these Kakejiku is not very special. The meanings are good, but not the style, but this is my taste and opinion! These are for selling, not collecting!


Also, very long kakejiku are more difficult to sell than shorter (48 inches better than 80 inches)


I know that these days, most Nihonnokata cannot read old style Shodo. Zannen desune.


I met a woman here in Australia, she was married to an American who had been in the US army in Japan. She had trained in Shodo: she could read it, she could do it, and she had some training and books on old Chinese poetry. Her grandfather had been a calligrapher, and her family was Zen. But now she liked to make "Teddy bears". If you do not know this toy, look on ebay. I wanted to cry.


真心堂 : my friend is Hide-San, I am sorry I have forgotten his family name. Yes, he has close contact with Seigan-San. But I think a much better potter is Deishi-San. Hide-San visits all the kilns himself - I think this is a nice job, desune! But he works hard, and he has many difficulties because the business climate in Japan and outside is still not good for luxury things. These days he sells pottery with strong western influence, but I think this is not as good as traditional pottery with 無心.


Old army things are very popular, but I find this strange. Once I had to fight in an army, so for me there is no romance about this. I use old army things because they are strong, but that is all.


Please excuse me for asking, but what does Maeda-San do for a job or business?


Now I will try to get some time to write to you about more interesting things. If I had an electronic camera I would send you some pictures - today I did some styling work on a bonsai I have had for many years. I cut off 3 big branches!


Yoroshiku ni,




Thank you very much for your very interesting email.


Yes, Yahoo auctions takes time in Japan, too.
Sometimes, mailing is more expensive than it on ebay, because there are many sellers make extra money as well as ebay.


Today, I got many "KAKEMONO" drawn by monk. There are ten or more.
I will check their conditions later.



I know the story about wood block prints called "Ukiyo-e: 浮世絵".
I got excited very much when I looked at real "HOKUSAI", "UTAMARO" in NY.
At the same time, I was shocked and very sad. totemo-zannendesu.


Now, the same thing has occurred on ebay !
It is sad as Japanese, but it is clever business.
There are Japanese who notices this, too.
They buy things cheaply from Japanese ebayer, and will sell them to "Japanese : have much money, but dont know how to ebay".
As you know, the favor of the Japanese and the foreigner is very different.
So they can buy things cheaply on ebay.
I think this seller has items are the favor of Japanese.
Member id :


Thank you for your advice and Information about hanging scroll, I take your advice.


I know "Teddy bears".


It is very sad, but it's her life.


>Please excuse me for asking, but what does Maeda-San do for a job or business?
Because it is a little difficult to explain in English for me, I write in Japanese.


> I did some styling work on a bonsai I have had for many years. I cut off 3 big branches!
How nice!!! It is very good that you can work on a bonsai.
I like "梅 : ume","桜 : sakura","松 : matsu", but Bonsai is too difficult for me.



Thank you for reading my mail.


kind regards,




Thank you for your email and for the present of the Tenugui! I use these,
sometimes for hands when inside, but some I keep to wrap my head when
outside. I have no hair, so it becomes important!


Thank you for telling me about this - I asked the young woman who lives
with me to tranlsate, and she tells me:
- you have left the corporate world
- you are working as a consultant on ground water.


I find this very interesting. Are you engineer, geologist or scientist?


In Australia (but not in Tasmania) ground water is a very big issue. You
can look under Google at: "great Artesian Basin". This is a very big
underwater supply, much bigger in area than Japan! Some of this water is very, very


But people used this water too much, now it is very low. So now we have


Many years ago I left the corporate world and after that I always worked as
a consulltant. I never wanted to go back to being "a salary man". But
sometimes it was difficult.


Please, I am interested in your work. First I qualified in civil
engineering, then I returned to study science. I became a researcher and lecturer at
university. Then I worked for a corporation. And many other things, but
this is a long story and now I am older, it is not so important.


But your work is now, and this is more interesting than the past, desune!


When I was younger it was always "tomorrow" (Ashta) that was important. But
with learning Zen, and also getting older, I appreciate "now' (Ima).


If you cannot do Bonsai yourself, then you should try to look at some
Bonsai when you have chance. I find this very good for "inside", and working on
your own, sometimes you need to have special time. I think Bonsai is good
for this. This is very "Koufuu", but it was used for many centuries.


Australian "taste" is very ugly. Yes, some things are good, but most is
very bad taste. And in the rural area, it is even worse. So I keep my bonsai
for contrast. "Balance" desune! But I never take my bonsai to shows, and
very rarely will I show a visitor my Bonsai. If I do show bonsai to a visitor,
then they can see only one in the Tokonoma.


When you list Kakejoku for sale I will see what you have. I would also like
to know your "taste", so when you list, please tell me if you like an item.
This will tell me much more than words!


You say you were in New York - holiday or work deshitaka?


Now is still holidays in Japan, I hope you able to enjoy!






I am Sorry, I am late for sending email.


Thank you for information about "great Artesian Basin".
I know the shortage of water becomes a serious problem in many parts of the world.
Water will become precious resources in the future.
The drinking water is not insufficient in Japan, because it is a small island nation enclosed by the sea.
However, the underground water pollution is serious.


I also studied the civil engineering at the university.
My major was water.
I worked for Landscape office, design office, and general contractor.
This is the last company as "a salary man" in my life.


"Today" is the most important for me.
Because our life has longevity.
I am always alive with thinking that today is the last day in my life.
So, I take action anyway when making up my mind.
The bonsai might be very good for person like me.


I do not have the travel experience of Australia,
so I dont know about Australian "taste".
But, I like very much Australian.
When I met Australian on my travelling, they were all very kind, Large-hearted.


I will tell you when I list Kakejoku for sale,
though it might be a hanging scroll only to sell it.


>You say you were in New York - holiday or work deshitaka?
That was just holiday to see buildings designed by architect.


kind regards,







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