Japanese spirit

Hello from Land of the Rising Sun, Japan


Is it true although it is the thing "English is very logical and lucid"?


Is Japanese really "ambiguous"?


There are many very logical things also in a Japanese text, and some are not logical also in an English text (if this point has an error, I will hope to develop a little more concretely and to obtain).


Although it is good that expression without a subject is possible, to take the grammar by which the word which shows affirmation/denial comes to the sentence end, etc. and is referred to in Japanese, probably it specifies logicalness but there is. [ no ]



On the contrary, I think also in English that there will be any number of representation schemes of "regulation of making muddy or emphasizing expression" (since it is not necessarily bright into English, it is forgiveness).



Although it is lucid in << English and thinks in Japanese that it is not logicalness but "distinction of oneself and others" that it is ambiguous >>, how is it?



Each language consents to the point of reflecting culture peculiar to the society which uses it, and the tendency of thinking.


or [ that the state where the characteristic of Japanese which is not necessarily clear in a subject is expressed, and the "subject" of action are whom/what ] -- ?? -- as the intention put there. Probably, it is the thing of seldom becoming a problem.


For people of many other linguistic areas, probably, it became the grammar which cannot usually remove a subject, since it was important concerns.


for example, the lovers who saw a certain movie together -- "-- it is -- hello, it was impressed -- " -- the case where it says.


If it dares to translate English into Japanese as it is "I was impressed very much.


You will also meet. Does it become " etc.?


What on earth is the necessity of distinguishing an "I" "you" = subject clearly in such a case aside from the touch, to which expression was awkward?


>> to which << share made impression mutual in the case of the former -- while things are important -- the latter -- to the last -- << -- me -- /-- it is thought that weight has set for you to have done >> impression of.


saying [ that there is such a difference considering the structure of language although this is only one of the mere examples ] -- people in English-speaking countries -- what -- also accomplishing -- /-- also considering -- always -- << -- having carried out it is living, adhering to >> whether you are yourself, whether you are a /partner, and whether you are a /third party is there nothing?


Even if it deducts that he is a Japanese, don't you think, "Is it good for this [ this ] now?"?



続きを読む≫ 2013/02/14 01:38:14

It is amusing to make into law only the positive law which uses a "right" and "duty" as 2 pillars.


The "positivism" through which it has pierced also in the present age is by somewhere "illness" rightly.


I think that the time when we as the general public should feel in common, and it should return to recognized origin the "norm" and a "rule" will come.


It is the shin without having become so actually, although he originally thinks that it is a normative consciousness -> system.


rather -- normative consciousness and law -- it is a fact that - system has a relation of an inverse proportion.


What does this express?


続きを読む≫ 2013/02/06 05:30:06

There is an opinion "English is a language very logical and lucid."


Is it true?

It is said that Japanese is a really ambiguous language.


However, there are many very logical things also in a Japanese text.


Some are not logical also in an English text.


In Japanese, expression without a subject is possible.


It is good to take the grammar which comes to the sentence end, and wording which shows affirmation and denial is referred to.


I think that there is nothing with it specifying logicalness.


Also, I think that there are many representation schemes of the regulation which is expressed vaguely or is emphasized also in English.


Have a Great day, thank you...


続きを読む≫ 2013/02/05 22:15:05

Human likeness -- this -- a certain meaning -- although a primitive life tends to see, on this island, today's civilization and information are circulating in this island.


It is not a thing of the kind of the skyscraper having been built, of course and having stood in a line.


In addition, why people live in this island was still considered.


The people of this island considered that the ultimate behavior of man would be because it is being carried out obediently.


The one who had caught easy [ of the inhabitant ] in the view of what was refracted became less deplorable in spite of it.


Since I was also man, it should have the ultimate portion as a person, but it was covered with information, knowledge, and a filter, such as human relations, and it has been realized whether the most important portion has disappeared.


Although this was an entire digression, when the sinners who committed the crime lived in this island, it thought that the heart will surely be washed clean.


The language finally said by a certain inhabitant at the night in front of the day which makes an island behind is introduced.


"As for it, although you may think that there is nothing in this island and my thing is pitiful, you are completely reverse.


Moreover, it is also different although you may regard the thing of Tokyo in which you live as it being the latest of a life .


It is my direction that is carrying out the tip life in the true meaning.


It is surrounded by Nature called the sea, empty, and the ground, and it is said that what is more in addition to the friend who allows and dresses the heart.
He gets up in the morning, and the alcohol peak will be carried out, if everybody works with a role and becomes night.
It is my loving this island just because it can be natural as man, and not wanting to separate on this island ..."


I think that it is very interesting.


What do you think ?



続きを読む≫ 2013/02/04 21:48:04

I think that the "freedom" which changes the group whose oneself belongs and goes and which makes and goes can be mentioned if there is "freedom" in the relation of oneself with a group.


Therefore ranking with the "freedom" which is not bound by the fixed idea but it thinks of .


For example, if it says that it is followed in one-sided power relationships, such as those who are employed and those who are employed, it is called ... which leaves the body to a "group" called a company, and does its best in him. Consciousness and vitality will not arise.


Considering the trend of these days which does not put weight on money or success in life in particular, it is just "only the forced bonds."


All the constituents (employee) share the whole company subjects also including management policy, an utterance it can propose an argument leading " everybody sure it is right accepting " a thing it is if being reflected having going such " freedom " being indispensable rather participating, making, saying an act nothing carrying out a group a friend sense of reliability faith feeling forming it will not have .


Moreover, originally individual vitality will also be created by only that.


As a result of accepting egoism of people's "affluence pursuit" with a state level before, wonderful economic growth was attained, but If destroyed, wrote the bonds of people and a person to be ... to exchange in or, but The sense of values (peace soul) not only respecting individual egoism but the group and friend of a Japanese no one but was among the bottoms which the Japanese company was able to overcome...


I also regard things as it being an infallible fact.


Thank you for your understanding.



続きを読む≫ 2013/02/04 21:23:04

We may have a view that man exists with a role, when it is in a group.


I think that hearing not much now was lost.


We often use the expression "understand a place."


This is used in the negative.


However, this is corresponding to anyone.


We had mind too much taken by that it is "self" first, and it has abandoned the "place" in society.


There is each role just because it is not omnipotence, and society can be formed.


Should not dreaming of it being omnipotence stop and should not it notice its "place" soon?





続きを読む≫ 2013/02/04 21:19:04



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